
You might be using Figma the wrong way | Part 2

Hello, my dear reader! As you might have guessed, we will now discuss the new Figma plugins that enable you to work less and rest more. Are you ecstatic? Me too! So, let’s get going!

Clean Document


I’ll just highlight what this plugin can accomplish for you rather than trying to say it in a thousand words:

Reset plugins to their default state, ungroup single-layer groups, delete hidden layers, make pixels-perfect, rename and sort layers, and sort pages alphabetically.
Sounds awesome, no? Don’t let it fall through the cracks and earn a black belt for the most impeccable document ever!


We all are familiar with numerous typefaces and can visualize its typeface. However, because we only have a small selection of fonts in our brain libraries, we often have to make educated guesses when we require something distinctive or different from SF Pro Text or Montserrat. Browse through the font preview live to save time. Add fonts to your favorites so you won’t miss any upcoming new features.Oh my God, “Spelll” is effective! I put proofreading on hold before we met and hoped that all errors would be discovered afterwards. Launch the plugin to discover the true magic in action. You only need to decide whether to correct or leave an error alone. That’s it. Enjoy!

Oh God, “Spelll” really works! Before we met each other, I put proofreading on the back burner and was praying that all mistakes were found later. So, launch the plugin and see how the real magic works. The only thing you need to do is choose to fix or ignore a typo. That’s all! Enjoy!

Ghost UXWriter

Every designer has at some point in their career worked as an illustrator, a copyrighter, and who knows what else. It’s a worthwhile and intriguing event, but when we are pressed for time, we require a particular magic wand. Take my lead and turn away from using ready-made, fantastic templates for UX error text. Everything from input problems to payment mistakes can be found here. Additionally, you have a choice of three speech tones: formal, informal, or playful.

Content Reel

Let’s get right to the point and explore what information you can discover and use in your project with this unquestionably popular plugin.

Text (Email, complete name, address, US phone number, date, URL, firm name, etc) (Email, full name, address, US phone number, date, URL, company name, etc.)
Images (Avatars, logo, photos, maps, covers, etc.)
It can appear that you can make it manual right away. I agree, which is why I haven’t tried it in a long time. a waste. Now that I’m using it, I’m grinning since it only takes a few easy clicks to make my weeknight as free as a bird in the sky.


It’s a true treasure to me. With only one click, it will instantly measure the sizes of any frames you require. Additionally, it is quite aesthetically pleasing and transparent. The outcome is one I like.


I wondered how to properly import my animation from Adobe After Effects to Figma. I’ve discovered the right response to this topic after an hour of research! LottieFiles, that’s what. Although I could write a separate article on it, you must undoubtedly make an account and meet the prerequisites for animation before you can fully appreciate the benefits of utilising this plugin. It’s definitely time well spent! Oh, and I almost forgot that Lottie animations are completely free. Check these out; they are interesting and incredibly beautiful!

Beautiful Shadows

Beautyful. Pretty. Simple and graceful What else might I say? Just give “Beautiful Shadows” a try, and you’ll find it difficult to quit using it. Do you realise there are six levels to this realistic shadow? You too, I’m sure, would rather use your mouse to set auto-layout than just a simple shadow. So why don’t you simplify things?

Status Annotations 

This plugin is my preference when I require input as soon as possible. The simplest things are the most brilliant ones! However, if you want to go farther and use statuses in more ways, you may read my earlier article about how I use statuses in the project.


Gratitude for reading! I hope you found it beneficial. And don’t forget to clap if it was to let me know! A nice reminder to save this tale so you don’t lose these awesome plugins


Furqan Ali

Comments (3)

  1. app
    March 5, 2023

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    March 7, 2023

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    • hassan
      March 7, 2023

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