Digital marketing

Increase your website traffic by using screpy

Even while many small business owners are aware that SEO is an important marketing tactic, the great majority lack the knowledge or resources to complete all the work required to optimize their websites for search engines.

In a similar line, the majority of small businesses struggle with inadequate money for their digital marketing initiatives. Therefore, it is essential to have SEO tools to enhance an internet business while simultaneously optimizing outcomes in the quickest amount of time possible.

Meet Screpy, is a web analysis tool that collects useful information from each page of your website and organizes it into a single dashboard for you and your team to easily monitor.

Screpy dramatically lowers the tension experienced by website owners. One simple platform may be used to manage all of your work, saving you time.

Additionally, you won’t waste time switching between several web applications because different analytic tools have been consolidated into a single interface.

Auto-Generated Tasks

Screpy will monitor your website and let you know if any areas want improvement. Following that, suggestions for how to approach site changes will be sent to you automatically. Additionally, this platform offers a distinctive web assistant that makes use of AI and is functional right out of the box. This tool will walk you through every step of the process and provide you with comprehensive information on the significance and impacts of each choice.

The auto-generated task feature will also notify you of potential difficulties like broken links and pages that can’t be crawled. The most significant item on the list it creates for you will be at the top, indicating where the problems are.

SEO Monitoring

By taking care of the job on your behalf, Screpy can help ease some of your SEO concerns. The AI-based SEO monitoring tool might be useful for both website owners and employees of digital agencies. The Screpy SEO feature performs a thorough analysis of your website and provides you with an easy-to-understand to-do list.

As soon as you have finished all of the chores for the SERP, the SEO will also offer you a score. There’s no need to speculate about how these changes may affect how highly search engines rank your website.


Keyword Tracker

Additionally, Screpy considers keyword ranks and provides you with relevant keywords you can employ to advance your goals. The top 100 results are shown when you conduct a keyword search.  the new keyword tracker can provide details on regional interests for cities, metro areas, and subregions.

You will receive health reports from your website that contain full information on each speed issue, allowing you to conduct an in-depth analysis. In light of this, a single contact widget with Google Lighthouse integration displays several user-friendly features on a single interface.

Depending on your website and the specific web pages, you will receive personalized responses. As a result, if just one or two pages make you read more slowly, you will know exactly where to search. Additionally, your speed results are made public in a matter of seconds, enabling you to start resolving any performance issues as soon as you become aware of them.

Screpy also features uptime monitoring, which can notify you instantly and provide you the opportunity to take action in the event of a service disruption.

With a wonderful lifetime price starting at $55, you can start using Screpy to improve your SEO ranking!

Page Speed Monitoring

The time and effort you put into creating a fantastic website that loads slowly can drive away visitors before you have a chance to engage them. Web surfers are aware of their many options today. Therefore, they won’t simply wait around for a slow website.

Screpy can assist you in keeping your page moving more quickly than a turtle would. Your website will deliver a comprehensive health report with specific details on every speed issue. One contact widget that is coupled with Google Lighthouse shows several simple chores. Therefore, you won’t need to go through numerous pages of

Uptime Monitoring

Step away from your computer and rest easy at night knowing that your website will be watched over constantly. Screpy has uptime monitoring built in, which will alert you in real-time and take action if there is ever any downtime.

Are you concerned that your website might crash? Who among webmasters is not? In the case that your website goes down, Screpy will send you an email right away

Pricing Structure

There are a lot of options to consider when you decide to purchase Screpy.  If you are not sure that this is the right tool for you, you can always test it out by way of a free trial.

However, if you are ready to jump in you have four different pricing options. Once you have purchased a plan, you are not stuck with it. Each plan allows you to either upgrade, downgrade, or cancel at any time.  

Regardless of which plan you choose, you will have access to the following:

  • Notifications 
  • Analysis credits
  • Keyword credits 
  • Uptime 
  • On-Demand Analysis.

If you are a single web proprietor, you may prefer starting with the Lite package which will cost you $9 per month.  This package will allow you to analyze up to three websites.



There are two ways to test Screpy’s services. By entering your web address in the “Test Your Website” section, you may first swiftly analyse your website.

When you log onto Screpy’s Demo site, use one of your projects and give it a try. If it isn’t persuading enough, try something out for free first before committing to a monthly contract. There is a 7-day free trial period.

Speaking about monthly plans, Screpy also offers flexibility in this regard. Whichever monthly plan you select, you are free to change at any moment without incurring any fees.

You can also cancel at any moment. You will continue to have access to Screpy after a cancellation up until the end of your subscription.

When you sign up for a monthly plan with Screpy, you may be worried about hidden charges or other fees. Luckily, there are no contracts, no setup fees, and no hidden charges.  The pricing structure that you see is what you get.  You have plenty of options to test it out before you spend a dime. Once you do spend money, you are not obligated to stay.

You can further save money by signing up for an annual plan instead of a monthly plan.  If you choose the annual plan option, you will get two months of free service.


You can’t get access to an API if you desire it. Currently, there are no plans for APIs.

There is a free 7-day trial available, however there is no free monthly bundle.

Screpy offers a wide range of adjustable options overall, however none of the individual plans are flexible or customizable. For instance, if you select the Pro package, which includes 4,000 keyword credits, there is no opportunity to upgrade that specific package to include a few extra keyword credits. The next option that is available contains 40,000 keyword credits, however it now costs $79 per month. The jump from 4,000 to 40,000 is considerable, but you will only need to select one of the two packages.

Final thoughts about screpy

A website takes a lot of work to maintain. There is a lot that goes into operating and administering a website, whether it is one person working alone or a team of hundreds of employees. However, having quality content alone is insufficient. Since there is a lot of competition out there, you should make sure that your material is examined and optimised in order to always present yourself in the best possible light.

For many years, web administrators and content creators have examined their own websites. A mid-sized to large business or team typically has specialised personnel that handle duties like online analytics, content management, SEO, etc. Screpy manages to bring together these crucial components of web production into a single tool. Every  web owner will not have access to or the budget for several different people to handle such tasks. Even if a web analyst or SEO specialist is on deck, Screpy can help to make their job easier.

More people seek to produce material more quickly when the level of competition rises. Utilizing a programme like Screpy can help you keep up with or even surpass the competition.

Since so many tools are combined into one, sole owners of web material ought to seriously consider trying this. Many employees of an agency may already be capable of performing some of these tasks. A blogger who wants to focus more of their time on blogging may need to outsource some tasks. The necessity for outsourcing can be significantly decreased while while improving production capacity with Screpy.

One thing I’ve always hated is being locked into a contract -especially without being able to properly test a tool or service. I really love the way Screpy gives potential users several opportunities to make sure this tool is right for them. You could always use a 7-day free trial, demo, or the simplest way – quickly testing your URL on the homepage.

After enjoying a free trial, there is a good standard number of price plans to choose from – four to be exact. Luckily, users are not locked into any crazy contracts or have to stick with a plan for a specific amount of time. The reality is, company structures and needs can change very quickly. In this day and age, a successful single blogger may need to build a team of five people or a large company may have to downsize to a midsize one overnight. Having the flexibility to change a plan very easily is a very attractive option with this tool.

If you need help streamlining your web productivity and combining web tools, you should look into Screpy today.


Furqan Ali

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